
Thursday, January 24, 2013

DIY..Toilet Paper Roll for your Make up Brush Holder

Another Toilet paper Roll craft...no need to buy expensive one to have your brush holder..why not do it yourself..

Let us use again the toilet paper roll.as the same method on my last blog about the pencil holder...its same thing to do ..you will have to change only the decoration .

Materials ..
5 Toilet paper roll
Lace ,flowers,or anything to decorate your craft..just to look it nice and pretty
Adhesive glue or glue gun
scissor and a gum tape
KITCHEN holder..wood made...can get in dollar store or in your near kitchen store or craft store..
you can use nail polish or some paint color ,just ,if you want to paint the inside of the toilet paper roll..but what i did was i just sprayed it with dark blue color..

toilet paper roll craft for my brush holder/organizer

DIY..brush holder

Here are some photos on the making..

for more detail please watch the video of this..

bye bye..

Toilet Paper Roll Project ..Pencil Holder/Organizer

Yes, i made a project out of toilet paper roll...this is very fun and easy.... these crafts are for my daughter to use as her pencil holder and i made for myself too, a brush holder/organizer

Lets see what it looks like...

A cute craft designed with popular TV animation..Smile Pretty cure..for kids present project

toilet paper roll project

Materials you need...

In one project you will need 5 toilet paper roll..with no tissue of course..
A tape..gum tape or any kind of tape..you use stapler too..if you want.
ordinary glue..and some strong adhesive glue..or glue gun
lace ,and any thing you want to put in your craft to make it pretty and nice
For kids...i used empty toy box,cardboard from toy,any design paper of your kids favorite character..through magazines ,book cover,stationary etcs..
Scissor..of course..
you can buy it in craft store in cheap price..i got mine for 100 yen..a dollar maybe..

toilet paper roll

wood kitchen holder 

place the 5 roll paper

tie or wrap with tape 

this should be the result..

..easy kids crafts..cut the character paper design..and glue over the toilet paper roll..do it in decoupage method..cover the entire roll paper.
cover the handle too with soft paper..like stationary or comic pages

also this area..

must be like this...add some decoration too

For more details... please watch video making of this..and watch the results too

video below...

 how to make video..

and some filming to watch the finish project ..and enjoy......

see you ..

How to make Newspaper Hat..basket and Bowl too

A simple fun craft ,A recycling method ...you have to do is to wet the paper and form a shape using a strainer bowl...

You only need old news paper,your kitchen faucets...a strainer ,size depends what size you want..i suggest the size of your head..since we are planning to make a hat too...and you need ordinary glue or adhesive glue too..strong one..,scissor , varnish [optional]..and handmade paper rose..

my newspaper hat..so pretty

newspaper bowl and basket ..they're solid 

me posing lol...

how to start making the bowl...

newspaper and strainer bowl

wet the paper by running water on it ...

and place the wet paper pieces inside the bowl...we will make a bowl shape by adding more wet paper .

like this...your doing the same like paper mache..

to make the handle of the basket .please watch the video on this method..

after drying them..they should look like this..solid and and well dried
newspaper paper craft 

to complete the processing method please watch my video of making this project..click the image below..

this the video on how to make bowl and basket...

here some pictures of making newspaper hat...

watch the finish video of my newspaper hat...on the image below..

thank you bye bye...